DCatalog feeds for your eCatalog needs

Provide shoppers with an up-to-date product experience by crafting top-quality product feeds, perfectly tailored and optimized for channels and audiences.

Product Feed

Cleanse, optimize, and sell more

DCatalog Feeds lets you centralize all your product fields. From eCommerce systems to spreadsheets, PIMs, and beyond, connect your product data seamlessly based on your existing sources. Optimize in bulk for maximum returns, and broadcast relevant information to consumers with ease.

Cleanse, optimize, and sell more

Take control of your product feeds:

Upload a CSV File or Integrate

Upload a CSV file or integrate with an existing product management system to feed your data into a DCatalog Feed

DCatalog Feeds standardizes your data into different end-points that are crafted to fit your existing processes:

Integrate the product data into shopping windows and other Lightbox dialogs

Take Control
Custom Product Field

Customize the product fields into HTML eCatalog Microsites

Sync the product data to your existing eCommerce systems, PIM, ordering system, CRM or custom data workflows:


Ready to syndicate your data?