
Google Analytics is a powerful analytic and reporting tool that can be integrated with your publication to provide insight into your visitors’ behavior. Google Analytics integration is an easy process that should only take you a few minutes to complete. Featured included in Google Analytics are: Tracking the referral paths of your users, map your visitors’ behavioral through your publication, Turn insights into action by tracking conversion events inside Google Analytics, Gain more insight into how any paid traffic you’re sending to your publication is performing, Benchmark your publication’s performance against other websites in your industry or vertical, and much, much more!

If you don’t currently have a Google Analytics account, you can sign up for one here:

Basic Analytics: Our basic analytic reports are integrated via Google analytics

Advanced Analytics: The advanced analytic reports are integrated with DCatalogs custom configured statistic platform. This will allow you to keep track of things like how many times your edition was shared, printed, or downloaded.

All you need to do is enter in your Google Analytic ID (one you currently already have or one we can supply you with) in your publication settings under the advanced settings tab.