
If we can automate the integration process the turnaround time is 3-5 business days.
If our team needs to manually integrate your digital catalog or if we are building a shopping cart from scratch turnaround is 2 weeks.

A standard digital catalog functions differently than an eCommerceFlip Catalog when it comes to shopping inside the catalog.

Standard Digital Catalog:

When you click on a product in a standard catalog a new tab opens up in your browser where that item exists online. It takes you outside the catalog to add the item to a cart.


An eCommerceFlip Catalog allows the user to browse, add items to a cart, and initiate check-out without ever leaving the digital catalog.

You have a couple options to choose from:

DCatalog can build you a complete shopping cart solution that is fully integrated with your eCommerceFlip Catalog.
We can integrate with your existing shopping cart platform. (ex. Shopify, Magento, Volusion, etc.)